Human Rights

France had Technology

At the root of the French attitude is the Catholic view that money is tainted by sin.Yet money is necessary and since corruption is only an abuse of something already sinful, it does not matter too much.

Ex President of Panama- Manuel Noriega is being pursued and his extradition has been sought by France. France wants Mr. Noriega to be tried in a French court and expects him to serve his prison term in France for his money laundering activities in 1980’s.
How many millions did he launder (if ?) through France ?

25 million dollars.

And France did not have the technology to investigate the rot which forms the core of French Administration-(please read below) ?

Which Social Service, Welfare Service in France has not contributed to jehad aganist India ?
Which Social Service, Welfare Service in France did not give money to Non-Deserving who were 'Insiders' to the system ?