Rise of Terrorism in India
PIB employees received their training at Red Cross and/or Secours Catholique.
La grande fraude sociale_04062006_L'Express_Giles Gaetener
L'Express du 06/04/2006
La grande fraude sociale par Gilles Gaetner
Page-1(part of)
Eh bien, c'est ce qu'a découvert le pugnace juge parisien Jean-Christophe Hullin, qui eut, il y a peu, à connaître de dossiers de blanchiment à Monaco. Entre 1999 et 2003, 637 personnes ont berné les Assedic de la région parisienne. Leur particularité? Ce sont pratiquement tous des Pakistanais, habitants du Val-d'Oise, notamment à Gonesse et Goussainville. Le modus operandi de l'entourloupe? Classique, pourrait-on dire… Au sommet, un chef, qui réalise et vend des faux papiers sous forme de kit. En clair, des documents nécessaires pour percevoir l'assurance-chômage: contrat d'embauche, bulletins de salaire et lettre de licenciement pour raisons économiques.
Coût du service: de 600 à 3 000 €. Toujours versés au «cerveau» de l'opération, dans le cas présent un certain Suraj S., d'origine pakistanaise et se disant expert-comptable.
C'est au siège de sa société de traduction, Pib Traduction, située dans le Xe arrondissement de Paris, que notre homme se livrait au bricolage de faux papiers… Autrement dit, la confection des fameux sésames qui ont permis à 637 de ses compatriotes de percevoir des indemnités de chômage en 2003.
Coût du service: de 600 à 3 000 €. Toujours versés au «cerveau» de l'opération, dans le cas présent un certain Suraj S., d'origine pakistanaise et se disant expert-comptable.
C'est au siège de sa société de traduction, Pib Traduction, située dans le Xe arrondissement de Paris, que notre homme se livrait au bricolage de faux papiers… Autrement dit, la confection des fameux sésames qui ont permis à 637 de ses compatriotes de percevoir des indemnités de chômage en 2003.
It was the same outfit, same leader which :
planted seeds of hatred/planted stories in Asylum Applications (anti Indian applicants) which French administrators wanted to hear. Elements within France, French administration which wanted to destabilize India needed an excuse to give away money from Social Welfare. These boutique owners made their job easier by providing an alibi.
The applicant had no idea of torture, persecution in India, but these boutiques created and planted these stories for money.
France had no intentions in interrupting such practices or business.
planted seeds of hatred/planted stories in Asylum Applications (anti Indian applicants) which French administrators wanted to hear. Elements within France, French administration which wanted to destabilize India needed an excuse to give away money from Social Welfare. These boutique owners made their job easier by providing an alibi.
The applicant had no idea of torture, persecution in India, but these boutiques created and planted these stories for money.
France had no intentions in interrupting such practices or business.
Rise of Terrorism
Role of France :
Rise of Terrorism in India = Plantation, Implantation of Seeds of Hate India/Indian ?
Boutiques + NGO s+ AI+CCEM+ Administration
There are at least 4 shop owners engaged in this business in the heart of Paris. Existence of other, similar business in other parts of France is possible as well. Each one of these shops may have handled- anywhere from 10,000 and up number of clients
XXX in ………….th arrondissement of Paris.
In the same area of Paris is another business called XXXXXXXX....located in Passage.....(ref.............)
These two business for example in their declarations to Tribunal de Commerce de Paris declared their primary activity to be translation work, but the real money came from their
Plantation, Implantation of Seeds of Hate India/Indian
XXX in ………….th arrondissement of Paris.
In the same area of Paris is another business called XXXXXXXX....located in Passage.....(ref.............)
These two business for example in their declarations to Tribunal de Commerce de Paris declared their primary activity to be translation work, but the real money came from their
Plantation, Implantation of Seeds of Hate India/Indian