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Business of Terror - Page 2

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Business of Terror
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1980-1984-1990 :

CIA & the French SDECE trained Pakistan s ISI.
Sydney Morning Herald. 27 Sep. 2001.
Summarizing the ISI/CIA/Taliban connections, the Australian daily reported, “Trained by the CIA and the French SDECE, the ISI ‘ran’ the mujaheddin their decade-long fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Brigadier Mohammed Yousaf, who headed the ISI's Afghan bureau for four years until 1987, says in his book The Bear Trap that the agency funneled US money and weapons to the mujaheddin. In the early 1990s the ISI provided logistic and military support for the Taliban, and helped them to seize power in Kabul five years ago. . . . Intelligence sources said that the ISI-CIA collaboration in the 1980s assisted Osama bin Laden, as well as Mir Aimal Kansi, who assassinated two CIA officers outside their office in Langley, Virginia, in 1993, and Ramzi Yousef, who was involved in the failed bomb attack on the World Trade Centre in New York five years later. . . . . Opium cultivation and heroin production in Pakistan's northern tribal belt and adjoining Afghanistan were a vital offshoot of the ISI-CIA co-operation.”

[Sydney Morning Herald, 9/27/01]

Much of the clandestine activity which led to the destruction of the WTC and the South-West wing of the Pentagon and to thousands of deaths on 11 Sep. 2001 was organized and planned within the EU.
During the period 1980's onwards, Pakistan was allowed to smuggle an Atom Bomb making factory across continents. The bribes-payments were made through (now defunct since 1990) bank BCCI (Bank of crooks and criminals International). Britain is the sole owner to the files of secret operations carried out by BCCI. BCCI had access to upper echelons of UK and USA. Governor/s of Bank of England did their very best to delay the investigations into the affairs of BCCI.  (ref.............)

SDECE of France and CIA of USA trained intelligence agency ISI of Pakistan. ISI was Tutor-in-charge of Islamic radicals and Mujhadeen along Pakistan-Afghanistan frontier.
(ref........ISI by cooperativere................)
(ref.......Punishments to Outcasts..........ISI was never questioned by Grande Master and thus more than 50% of funds and armaments remained unaccounted for........ used against India. Mujhadeen, extremists and radical Muslims were favourite ones of Grande master. Occidental west closed its eyes towards whatever they did, so far massacres were not in the occidental west)